Watch the Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower in Colorado
Western Colorado skywatchers and stargazers should be watching for shooting stars this week.
According to KIRO, the Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower can be seen til mid-August, but is at its peak on Thursday and Friday of this week. As many as 20 fireballs per hour may be seen during peak viewing times if conditions are good.
As is always the case with stargazing, you will want to find the darkest spot possible away from the lights of the city for the best chance of seeing some meteors. At a pace of 20 per hour, you'll have to be patient.
The best times for viewing is between midnight and dawn, which should be no problem for night owls. For others not accustomed to being awake on the north side of midnight, the late-night viewing may be more of a challenge.
If you have trouble seeing the meteors, or if we end up having some cloud cover, the website Slooh is featuring live streaming of the meteor shower.