Best Western Colorado Super Moon Viewing Spots
Sunday night a Super Moon will rise in the east. There are some special spots to take in the site here in Western Colorado.
According to the experts, a Super Moon is when a full moon coincides with the moon’s perigee or the point when the moon's orbit is the closest to the Earth. Most times the moon can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than normal. December's full moon is this weekend, the first weekend of the month. The moon will officially be full at 8:46 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 3 and will rise over the Grand Mesa at about 5:26 p.m local time. This Sunday night the moon will be "only" 222,135 miles away.
As I had mentioned when we were talking meteor showers earlier this month some of those same spots are great moon watching places too. The big difference is that you don't need to escape city lights or have total darkeness to enjoy a moon rise. However, the darker the sky the more insence the moon light will appear. Again, the National Parks are great locations. Arches National Park, although technically in eastern Utah is a cool spot. The Black Canyon of The Gunnison is another. If traveling that far isn't an option the Colorado National Monument works just fine. The Grand Mesa would be cool too.
There is a chance some forecasted clouds for Sunday evening may put a damper on the Western Colorado supermoon viewing. The latest National Weather Service forecast is...
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