CDOT Warns to Look Out for Unexploded Avalanche Charges
Colorado saw a ton of this year which means avalanche danger. This leads to CDOT causing avalanches to mitigate the impact they can and do have on the general public.
To do that, CDOT fires off charges to start the snow, well, rolling. But sometimes they, like firecrackers, end up as duds. When that happens they land in the deep snow and slowly sink down into it, where it will be found once all of that snow melts.
CDOT says it sent out 1,500 charges, and 22 did not explode, which means those charges, unexploded, are sitting on the side of a mountain where people may be hiking.
They are painted orange, blue or yellow so they stand out and look unnatural.
The most important thing to remember, do not touch them. If you come across one, contact authorities immediately and keep your distance from it. The last thing anyone wants is for those things to explode in someone's hand or near anyone.
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