I personally think online dating is a joke... If that's the way you were meant to find a mate, what did people do before there was the internet? To me it's just a bunch of desperate's who are too lazy to go out and meet someone in person. That being said, there are a ton of people doing it! If you are one of them, A study has found which words make for the most successful internet dating profiles. 

Wired collected a bunch of data from OkCupid and Match profiles to put together this handy infographic (below) that teaches you all the best words on the most attractive people’s profiles (the deeper the color, the more attractive people find them).


So in case you cant see (probably don't want to put that in your profile), the best men’s profiles include terms like surfing, live music, athlete, workaholic, confidence, hiking, photography and tattoos. The top women’s profiles include yoga, fashion, Radiohead, sushi, creativity, Europe, acting and Pulp Fiction.

Not sure if this study was done in 1994 when that movie and Radiohead were relevant, but whatever the case, it can;t hurt to try these words out... Even if they aren't true, because remember just getting the date is half the battle and online daters are desperate anyways!


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