Back in 1919 the U.S. Senate passed the The Wartime Prohibition Act which sparked prohibition in the United States. In 1933 under President Roosevelt the 21st Amendment was ratified repealing the 18th Amendment.

Women's Christian Temperance Union Marchers
Topical Press Agency, Hulton Archive, Getty Images

In 1826 the American Temperance Society tried to get people to put down the booze. Not long after other groups followed attempting to ban drugs and alcohol under a veil of morals and the good of society. By 1893 the powerful anti-Saloon League was founded with women claiming alcohol ruined their families.

Iowa Moonshine Raid
Hulton Archive, Getty Image

On October 28, 1919 under Woodrow Wilson, Congress passed the Volstead Act. The act defined 'intoxicating liquor' and punishment for distilling, transporting or selling alcohol. There was little regulation with tens of thousands of speakeasy clubs. Mobsters became rich celebrities, the government was losing revenue and created a criminal element.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking
Keystone, Hulton Archive, Getty Images

The Cullen-Harrison Act of 1933 allowed for 3.2% beer and wine. On December 5, 1933 the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment ending prohibition in the United States, except for distilled spirits.

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