I am all about circumcision... As a male I cannot imagine have extra flappage where there is no need for extra flappage. That being said, I would much rather go through my life with a little extra skin on my privates that not have a private part at all. That, my friend, is why when having your precious little son get anything chopped off, make sure you have it done by a professional!! 

Religions are like those ghost shows on TV, there are a million of them, so believe in them and some don't, and I really don't care to hear about them. To each their own. I get that there are certain traditions that have been followed since, well, we figured out safer ways to do things with modern medicine. So, how about we choose the safer version?!?

A rabbi in Pittsburgh is being accused of accidentally slicing off a baby's penis at its own bris. A bris, of course, is where a baby's foreskin is ceremonially removed by a person who more than likely has less medical knowledge than I do, which is not much...

Anyways, the poor baby needed eight hours of surgery, six blood transfusions, spent two months in the hospital, and had to have his penis reattached. Although the docs think the surgery was successful, I would assume we can really answer that question when the kid turns about 13 or 14.

Again, I am not picking on Jews or any other religion for that matter, I am just saying that anything that has to do with a knife, a penis, and cutting should be handled by a trained professional that went to school for a good percentage of their life to learn how to do it without cutting off an extremely important organ! This is 2013, hell, almost 2014, not 110 B.C.

By the way, the Rabbi is now facing a lawsuit... I say they sue him for his penis! Eye for an eye, since we are pretending to live in ancient times after all!


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