Beer drinkers will love this bill introduced in Michigan. State lawmakers want to amend the Liquor Control Act to make sure that the beer you get is really a pint of beer. In the United States that means a full 16oz of beer.

I don’t think Michigan lawmakers are trying to hose the pub and restaurant owners but I do think they want them to be honest.

How many times have you gone to the pub and they advertise $2 pints of draft beer and what you get is a plastic cup of beer. Well that is only 12 ounces of beer not the 16 ounces that make up a pint.

Now, I think we should go to the imperial pint for beer sales. That is a 20 ounce glass of beer, which is the standard in most of the world and in some pubs in the U.S.

I know what you’re think ‘Tommy your just encouraging people to drink more’, no I’m not. How much does it cost to make a barrel of beer? Maybe 30 dollars so why not give the people what they are paying for. Besides I bet if you pour pints of beer people would really drink less.

So let’s do the right thing and if your are selling a pint then pour a pint. Beer drinkers will love you for it.

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