Palisade Peaches Love The Rain And Cooler Weather
Rain and cooler weather sucks for camping, great for peaches.
If your weekend plans call for heading for the high country, prepare for cooler temperatures. Most of Colorado will experience rain and even more snow for most of this week, however, the forecast calls for some clearing over the holiday weekend.
This wetter and cooler spring may put a damper on your camping, fishing, hiking, or other outdoor plans but it's great for the world famous Palisade Peaches. It's early in the season and the little fuzzy balls attached to the trees hardly resemble what they'll look like come late summer, but growers say this colder weather is perfect for peaches at this point in their development.
Those that tend to the orchards say the trees are "happy" right now. When it's hotter than normal in spring and early summer the trees pull flavor-adding nutrients to themselves, instead of sharing them with the growing fruit. So peach lovers get ready! Because the trees are "happy", that means this year's crop will be bigger and will taste even better than usual
So this weekend while you're standing on the bank of your favorite fishing hole or sipping a warm beverage under your camper's awning with a sweatshirt and possibly your rain jacket on, know that later this summer it will be worth it all when you take a bite into that first Palisade Peach!
Credit: KJCT8