After Freeze and COVID-19, Palisade Peach Festival Continues On
Last week we learned about the freeze that hit a large number of Peach crops in Palisade, there were concerns about if we would have peaches to enjoy after a tough start to 2020. After getting confirmation from the Palisade Chamber of Commerce, the 2020 Palisade Peach Festival will continue like originally planned.
The festival is set to take place Friday, August 14th and Saturday, August 15th at Riverbend Park as long as COVID-19 regulations allow. The wildly popular festival featuring some of the best fruit you can get in the country is presented by American Furniture Wearhouse.
Andrew Weber the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce said, "Peach crops freezes will not stop the festival, we will always celebrate and support our growers, then and now as they face a huge challenge due to major crop losses. Our growers strongly support and voice the importance of continuing the Peach Festival Tradition".
If you want to know more about the Palisade Peach Festival, click here to keep up with everything on Facebook as the event approaches.
Thursday, August 13th, will be the kickoff to the festival including a free Ice Cream social and street dance party.
And if you're feeling adventurous and want to work up an appetite before enjoying peaches on Saturday, you can join in on the 3rd Annual Just Peachy Run Races. There is a 1K, 5K, and 10K course for anyone who wants to join.

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