The Florida Department of Transportation will spend $175,500 of federal highway taxpayer money to sponsor two NASCAR stock cars this weekend at the Daytona 500. Florida has twice the pedestrian deaths than the national average so they hope the publicity will make everyone aware of the dangers of cars hitting humans and save a few lives.
With all the talk about the spending problem the government has the state of Florida will sponsor a car in the Nationwide race on Saturday and a car in Sundays Dayton 500. If the cars crash or get knocked out of the race early the federal money is wasted, if they end up at the back of the pack they will get no TV and the federal money is wasted. As the cars fly by at almost 200 miles an hour, no one will be able to read the PSA on the hoods so the federal money is wasted. The only way I see this being a win is for both cars to win their races, other wise the federal money is just wasted.
So, this weekend if are going to watch the Daytona 500 make sure you get a good look at your federal tax dollars at work.

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