Family Fancy Friday’s Implemented During Social Distancing
While we are all excited about the possibility to leave our homes soon after weeks of social distancing, there have been fun and creative things done while being at home. Over the past few weeks, I have seen more of my friends all dressing up on Friday evenings and enjoying a more classy dinner at home.
These 'Fancy Fridays' have been fun to see online even though I haven't taken part in it. If you want to make it happen next week it's as simple as going into your closet picking out something fancy, getting yourself all dolled up. Then join the rest of your family around the dinner table.
We all have nicer clothing that we don't wear enough anyway, so this is a great way to have a little fun and wear those nice things that you only put on a couple of times a year anyway.
If you and your family have already had a 'Fancy Friday' please show us a picture in the comment sections because we would love to see them. It's really fun to see the clever ways people are passing the time and trying to enjoy time with their loved ones.

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