We are seeing more and more places that are becoming more accommodating to people with disabilities. There are some cities and states that still have a lot of work to do, but fortunately, Denver, Colo. is one of the cities that is doing it right.

According to a WalletHub study, Denver came in as the fifth-best state in the U.S. for people with disabilities.

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For people with disabilities, finding a disability-friendly home, access to proper public transportation, air cleanliness, and other factors play a large role in where they can live.

While Denver ranked fifth overall in every factor assessed in the study, it also came in tenth in the rankings looking solely at health care.

This means that, for people with disabilities, Denver is in the top ten as one of the best states with higher premium quality of medical care. This is incredibly important considering about 35% of Colorado's healthcare spending goes towards disability healthcare.

CDC, Disability and Health Promotion
CDC, Disability and Health Promotion

According to a report from one of the experts consulted by WalletHub, emergency inclusivity is a huge concern for areas with high populations of people with disabilities. Keeping power running for machines that are needed or medicine that has to be kept a certain way is imperative. It goes hand in hand with general accessibility around cities.

One of the experts even said that her city had little availability with neurologists, so she had to fly to Denver to receive the proper care. Again, this is why Denver is one of the best states for people with disabilities, and it cuts down on stress, finances, and inconveniences to live in the city instead of having to fly in or commute every few months.

Overall, Denver has to score high in categories like the cost of living, housing affordability, and accessibility to take the number five spot in the country.

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