After confirmed sightings of a scary/creepy clown in Junction last week, the story has continued to grow. There are sightings all over Junction. Then this morning,  Fox News reports, "Ronald McDonald is laying low amid creepy clown sightings." This is getting out of control! There's only one way to find out what's really going on, ask a creepy clown.

Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels

That's just what we did. We used our contact to connect with a local "creepy clown." He agreed to sit down with us and answer a few questions. Only if agreed to not show his face and "don't diss the clowns, we're people too."

Question: You look pretty menacing in that mask. Should I be afraid? Answer: Naw man. I've never hurt anyone in my life. Under this mask is a regular dude just looking for a little respect.

Question: What do you mean, respect? Answer: As a member of "Clown Lives Matter." I was once was a happy clown. I worked kids birthday parties. Made beautiful balloon animals and the like. I was a respected part of the community. Now, all this negative has put me down and out.

Question: Bad PR is why you guys have turned "creepy"? Answer: Pretty much. Dude, it's hard enough being a clown in the first place. We don't need all the negative press. Imagine going through your life always being referred to as something negative. "Those politicians are a bunch of clowns."  "He's the class clown." I read something the other day saying Donald Trump was a "dangerous clown." "Wouldn't you get tired of it? I mean Donald Trump. That's a low blow." 

Question: "Clown Lives Matter" is a thing? Answer: Dang right. 

Question: So what you're saying is that this is all a big misunderstanding? Answer: Yep. I'm sure all my clown brothers and sisters would just like to go back to our normal fun clown lives.

Question: So you creepy-scary clowns don't mean us any harm? Answer: That's what I'm saying. Halloween is coming soon. It's supposed to be a big time for us clowns. We want everyone to know, clowns are people too. We need love and understanding just like everyone else.  

Question: Maybe you guys should don some happy clown faces? Answer: I'm cool with that. This scary clown gig isn't all it's cracked up to be. Buy me a beer?        

..."No way. I'm afraid of clowns."

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