Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta

It has come to light that sometime in the last few months President Obama threw down his signature on a covert order authorizing U.S. support for the Syrian rebel forces to help take down the Syrian government forces. The secret order allows for the CIA and other agencies to provide clandestine support to the rebel forces.

The Administration has said they will increase assistance to the rebel forces after the U.N. Security Council failed to agree on tougher sanctions against the Syrian government. The support that was authorized is not known but, the White House has said the U.S. won't be arming the rebels and is only providing non-lethal assistance - for now that is.

The U.S Treasury last week authorized The Washington Syrian Support Group to provide financial assistance to rebel forces. Additionally the group is allowed to conduct financial transactions but can not send military equipment. When things were crazy in Libya before the Libyan people killed Ghaddafi a similar order was issued. Even though the U.S. is not directly arming the rebels because officials don't know enough about them the U.S. is cooperating with countries that are.

The State Department said yesterday they have set aside $25 million dollars for non-lethal assistance to the rebels and $64 million in humanitarian aid for the Syrian people.

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