The Bureau of Land Management launches “tip line” to make reporting suspicious activity easier.

Colorado public lands belong to the people. They are for residents to use, not abuse. If you're out on BLM land and spot suspicious activity now there's an easy way to inform authorities. “Everyone has ownership in public lands,” says Tyler Fouss, a BLM law enforcement ranger. “And there are times when people don’t know where to report something they don’t think is right or feel is a violation.” “With this tip line, hopefully, they’ll help us respond to reports quicker,” continued Fouss.

It the past, the best you could do was to leave a voice mail. Rangers spend most of their day in the field and may not get your tip until hours later. Now, there's direct contact. You can also report what you observed on the Bureau of Land Management website or send them an email.

The BLM office regularly receives a few calls a month. Most reports are for vandalism, trash dumping, or other crimes to natural resources. If you love and frequent the outdoors, save this number in your phone...the BLM’s tip line is (833) 660-5771. The "tip line" email address is, and the online link can be accessed by clicking HERE.

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