5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Motorcycle Safety
The weather is warming up and the motorcycles are coming out and it's Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
If you are a motorcyclist you should read this, and if you aren't a motorcyclist you need to read this
Sadly, more than 100 motorcyclists are expected to die this year in Colorado, which makes motorcycle safety critical for motorists as well as for bikers. That means motorists using extra caution and being on the lookout for bikers, and for motorcyclists to use extra caution on the road.
During this special safety awareness month, Governor Jared Polis is encouraging motorcyclists to obey all traffic laws and take advantage of the Motorcycle Operator Safety Training program.
Whether you are a car driver or a motorcyclist, here are five things you need to know about motorcycle safety.
*Motorcycles account for just 3% of registered vehicles on the road, yet represent over 16% of all traffic fatalities. In 2018, there were 103 motorcycle deaths on Colorado roads, down from 125 in 2016.
*In Colorado, motorcycle deaths are up 32% since 2011, and there is a spike during summer months because more motorcycles are on the road.
*It's easy for motorcycles to get lost in your blind spot. The average blind spot is 650 square feet, which is big enough to hold a studio apartment.
*The number one cause of death in motorcycle crashes is head injuries. Although many don't, CDOT encourages all motorcyclists to wear a helmet and other protective gear.
* Three things motorists can do to avoid collisions with motorcycles is 1) Allow extra space when following a cycle 2) Allow the motorcycle the full width of the lane 3) Use extra caution when turning left at an intersection.
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