5 Keys to Making Money At the World’s Greatest Yard Sale
Twice each year the World’s Greatest Yard Sale comes to the Mesa County Fairgrounds. Anywhere from 200-400 vendor booths are set up selling everything from sporting goods and tools, to house wares, and clothes. Unfortunately, there are vendors who end up taking a large portion of their goods back home at the end of the day. The Spring edition of the World's Greatest Yard Sale is Saturday, May 18th from 9am-3pm. Booth space is $20 for your first space and $5 for additional spaces and can be reserved at the KOOL studios at 315 Kennedy Avenue during regular business hours.
For those coming out to set up shop with the intention of making a little extra cash I offer 5 keys to selling success.
1) Leave your junk at home. Bring only the stuff that you honestly, genuinely think could sell. Ask yourself the question, “ Is this something I would buy at a yard sale.”
2) Price your items to sell! Yes, you want to earn some cash, but keep in mind, THIS IS A YARD SALE. The people that come to shop there are looking for yard sale prices. That fancy waffle iron you are selling might be WORTH $20, but it’s unlikely someone is going to pay more than $5. Remember, with stuff like that, the buyer is taking a calculated risk that the item actually works and that it will continue working for a viable period of time.
3) Put prices ON your items. There is nothing more frustrating to a yard sale shopper than browsing through a couple of tables of merchandise with no idea whatsoever what the seller is asking. If the shopper is REALLY interested, he will ask. But, many casual shoppers won’t bother, they’ll just move on. You will sell more if you put a price tag on each item.
4) Don’t stare and hover over shoppers. Just back off and let them shop comfortably without feeling the pressure of staring eyes beating down on them. Once they feel this pressure they are likely just to move on without fully exploring all of the cool items you have for sale. A blown opportunity,
5) Be willing to bargain down with shoppers. Don’t be insulted if someone offers you less than you are asking for those vintage dishes. Be willing to meet the shopper somewhere in the middle. If they make an offer, give them a counter offer and see where it goes from there. If you need help knowing how to dicker with people, check out the Pawn Stars series on the History Channel.
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