Teen Arrested For Threats Against Grand Junction High School
The Grand Junction Police Department has arrested a teenager who allegedly made threats of violence against staff and students at Grand Junction High School.
The 15-year-old student, who's name has not been released because he is a minor, was arrested after commenting to another student he was contemplating a mass shooting at the school.
That information was shared with school staff who immediately contacted police. Members of local law enforcement located and arrested the student immediately after receiving the report.
Investigation into the threats have lead to misdemeanor charges of Disorderly Conduct, and Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of Educational Institutions. A felony charge of Inciting Destruction of Life or Property has also been filed.
As part of the investigation, law enforcement and school district officials determined there is no potential threat to the school.
Both the Grand Junction Police Department and School District 51 are pleased students took the threat seriously and reported it to officials in a timely manner. Parents are reminded they should discuss with their children the importance of telling an adult about any threat of violence as soon as they know about it.
Parents and students should also familiarize themselves with Safe2Tell and download the mobile app which allows students to report threats anonymously.
Source: Grand Junction Police Department
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