Boy Scout Christmas Tree Sales Coming Soon in Grand JunctionBoy Scout Christmas Tree Sales Coming Soon in Grand JunctionYou know the holidays are officially here when the Boy Scouts start selling Christmas trees.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Grand Junction Couple Invites Community To Put Up Christmas TreesGrand Junction Couple Invites Community To Put Up Christmas TreesSome folks might say it's way too early to be putting up a Christmas tree, but, is it? Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Grand Junction Fire Department’s Best Advice For a Fire-free ChristmasGrand Junction Fire Department’s Best Advice For a Fire-free ChristmasIt's the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be one of the most dangerous.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Grand Junction Business Donates $1,000 to Boy Scouts TroopGrand Junction Business Donates $1,000 to Boy Scouts TroopThis Grand Junction business is totally in the Christmas spirit.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Festival of Trees Benefits Local Non-ProfitsFestival of Trees Benefits Local Non-ProfitsIn case you didn't realize it, the annual festival of trees is underway in the Grand Valley.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Christmas Trees Go Up During Thanksgiving in Grand JunctionChristmas Trees Go Up During Thanksgiving in Grand JunctionThis one day is the most popular day to put up your Christmas tree.Tim GrayTim Gray
Cutting Down Your Own Christmas Tree: Your Guide to Colorado’s FirsCutting Down Your Own Christmas Tree: Your Guide to Colorado’s Firs Good luck on your search for the perfect Christmas tree, and don't forget to do it safely and responsibly.ScruggsScruggs
5 Things You Need to Know Before Cutting a Christmas Tree in a Western Colorado Forest5 Things You Need to Know Before Cutting a Christmas Tree in a Western Colorado ForestIf your family tradition is to head to the forest to cut a tree for Christmas, or if you're ready to start that tradition, there are some important things you need besides your trusty ax or chainsaw.Ed ChandlerEd Chandler
Cops Stop Car Hauling Insanely Ginormous Christmas Tree on RoofCops Stop Car Hauling Insanely Ginormous Christmas Tree on RoofForget about not seeing the forest through the trees -- this driver couldn't see the road through them.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Christmas Trees Cost What?Christmas Trees Cost What?I can't remember the last time I bought a real Christmas tree. After seeing some of the prices around Junction, I remember why.Ray MichaelsRay Michaels