Starbucks Customer Blows NSFW Gasket on Florida Governor Rick Scott
Donald Trump is hardly the only politician who has gotten people angry.
A woman at a Starbucks in Gainesville, Fla. unloaded on Governor Rick Scott -- and it was all caught on camera. Her tirade (it's NSFW due to language) was so intense and so unyielding that Scott, who had some staffers in tow, had to leave the store without getting his order.
The woman at the center of the storm here is Cara Jennings and she simply unloaded on the Republican while everyone in the establishment stood and listened.
“You cut Medicaid, so I couldn’t get Obamacare,” Jennings, 39, shouted. "You're a [bleep]. You don’t care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here."
Scott then tried to defend his record by saying he created a million jobs, but that hardly quelled her rage, so he elected to walk out while she continued to berate him.
You stripped women of access to public health care! Shame on you, Rick Scott! We depend on those services! Rich people like you don’t know what to do! When poor people like us need health services, you cut ‘em. Shame on you, Rick Scott! You’re an embarrassment to our state!"
It appeared someone from Starbucks tried to calm Jennings down, but Jennings, a stay-at-home mom who once worked as a city commissioner in the town of Lake Worth, says several people approached her afterwards and thanked her.
Jennings said she decided to speak up after she read that Scott signed a bill cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. "I didn’t think about whether I should do it or not,” she told ABC Action News. “I thought, 'Here’s my chance to tell the governor how I feel about the horrible bill.'"
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