In 1973 the Idea Toy Company released one of my favorite toys, the Evil Knievel Stunt Bike. At the time Evil Knievel was one of the biggest stars. He was always on television doing some big jump and when the stunt bike came out I did everything I could to make sure the family knew I wanted it for Christmas.

When the day came I went into the living room and there it was the Evil Knievel Stunt Bike. I was the most excited kid in the world and spent the whole day playing with the stunt bike. To be honest I don’t really remember what else I got that year. The toy was pretty tough; I had it for a couple of years and played with it a ton, until I got it taken away for two whole weeks.



It was a nice day and I was in the backyard playing. I had set up a jump that went up the backstairs onto the porch. I had jumped it a few times but I wanted to make it fly up the stairs. I cranked it as hard and as fast as I could then bam the bike took off. It shot up the ramp, launched into the air and right through the glass on the storm door. My mom came out of the house with my stunt bike in her hand wanting to what the hell I was doing. I’m sure I had a stupid look on my face as I tried to explain I was just playing, but my mom took away the stunt bike for two weeks. I also had to do extra chores for two weeks to pay for the window. I’m sure my mom got the better end of that deal, but I never jumped the bike near the house again.


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