Trouser snake?
And just like that. Read one little headline of an article and you can bet your life I am probably going to be holding it a lot longer than normal today. Or at least taking a real long good look into the pot before even thinking about putting my manhood over one. 

here are the details straight out of a horror story, and The Daily Mail:

A man was rushed to a hospital after a snake bit his penis while he was relieving himself in a toilet, according to hospital officials in Israel. The man, 35, of northern Israel was bitten on Friday after the snake suddenly appeared from inside the toilet. The man suffered minor injuries from the bite; fortunately the snake was not venomous. Rescue workers responded to the scene and took the man to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, where he received medical treatment, reports Your Jewish News. An examination revealed the snake was not poisonous. The man told emergency workers it happened after he went to the toilet to relieve himself and suddenly felt a strong burning sensation in his penis.


The hospital staff said that bite marks will remain on the area, good luck explaining that one to your next girlfriend! Guess the snake didn’t like having any competition around. This could be my worst nightmare!

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