Avoid These Things That Make One Look Ridiculous in Grand Junction Colorado
There are some things that some people think look really cool in life that may look completely ridiculous to everybody else. This even happens right here in Colorado.
We asked you to tell us about some of the things people think make them look cool, but actually, make them look completely ridiculous. Thankfully we don't see a lot of bald men wearing spray-on hair anymore. It was a 90s thing and to this day is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.
Avoid Looking Ridiculous in Grand Junction
You (the audience) have spoken. Below we find several things that folks in Grand Junction are gonna call ya out for as looking ridiculous. While it's all in good fun, this evergrowing list of ridiculous things could come in real handy if you just got here or are trying to meet new people.
Enjoy a few laughs as you scroll through this gallery of fashion don'ts, and if you are also inspired to add a comment to the list of things to avoid doing because they make one look ridiculous, just follow this link to the original post on social media and drop your comment.