How Grand Junction Feels About Their Kids Going Back to School
District 51 plans on making an announcement about in-school learning on July 21. Here's how Grand Junction feels about their kids going back to school.
As of right now, District 51 is planning on kids being back in school in person for the upcoming school year, with options for remote/hybrid learning. D51 is planning on making the announcement and discussing details on July 21.

We wanted to know how you felt about your kids going back to school, so we asked you on our Facebook. We got some mixed responses and here's how Grand Junction feels about their kids going back to school.
Uncertainty + On the Fence
Meghan Williams on our Facebook says that she wants her son to go back but she's not sure what that will look like and has lots of questions about it. Kassandra Taylor says she really doesn't know what to do when it comes to sending her daughter back to school. She knows her kid really wants to go back but she's worried about her getting sick and she's praying she'll make the right decision
Nikki Frick says that she has mixed feelings and it's a stressful situation that has pros and cons either way. Danielle Loushin our Facebook commented that she hopes everything to do with the coronavirus is over by the time her daughter is in school because if not, she's homeschooling.
Giant Petri Dish + It's About Time
Rai Mitchell says she probably isn't sending her kids back to school this year. According to Rai schools are giant Petri dishes and she doesn't want to risk her 80-year-old Oma's life, who she takes care of. Melanie Scott on our Facebook commented 'it is about time' and Sky Evans says 'please lol.'
Lily Koile says she's glad she doesn't have kids in school anymore and Vanessa Huff says she's nervous for her sixth-grader to go back. Breanna Oberlander on our Facebook commented this:
I think the sacrifice for the kids to not go (learning, social, friends, routine) is too great for the amount of COVID cases we have in our area.
She goes on to say that if we had more cases in the area, then we should keep kids home, but so much of learning is social for younger grade school kids.
We can't imagine what it feels like to be a parent at a time like this. Like many people on our Facebook said there are pros and cons no matter what you decide to do and all you can do is just hope that you made the right decision. We're expecting D51's announcement about the school year on July 21.
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