Great Wine + Great Cause = Great Time!
It was my first visit to Grande River Vineyards and I couldn't have picked a better night. It just doesn't get much better than live disco, great wine,and all for a great cause, Homeward Bound of the Grand Valley.
I'm not sure how many were in attendance, but the backyard was full of lawn chairs and patrons enjoying the live music. There are dozens of Disco cover bands out there, and I've seen several, but I must say Boogie Machine is one of the best! This little band out of Denver has been packing dance floors for over 17 years. Their claim "When it comes to party bands in Colorado, we ARE the party." Seems legit to me and they had folks on their feet all night long.
On the heels of last weekend's event, it appears Grande River Vinyards has another scheduled for next weekend. Saturday, August 6th it's the Hazel Miller Band and a benefit for Mesa County Partners. From what I've been told, Hazel Miller is something special and you bet I'll be back to Grande River to take in the show.
I know what you're thinking, "why is this Rock Guy all jacked up about disco, jazz, and R&B"? Rock has been, and will always be my first love but I'm a fan of great music, period. Country, Pop, Alternative, it's all good and this weekend looks to be another great event at Grande River. Plan to come out and support another great live music event because Great Wine + Great Cause = Great Time!
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