Grand Junction Summer 2016 Road Construction
It's that time of year where orange cones pop up everywhere and getting around Grand Junction can be a maze. Here is a heads up of the road construction projects for the summer so you can try to plan your route around them.
Complete Streets Project from 12th Street to 23rd Street.
- Lane Closures between 6pm and 11am Monday-Friday.
- All lanes of traffic will be open between 11am and 6pm.
- The project goal is to be complete late summer 2016.
- Businesses within this construction zone are open.
28 3/4 Road from North Avenue and Orchard Avenue Water Line Project
- 28 3/4 Road will have one lane of traffic each way.
- There will be traffic control personnel to help
- Projected is estimated to be complete in the middle of August.
Orchard Avenue Sidewalk Project:
- Orchard Avenue between 12th Street and Cannell Avenue will be closed to through traffic until the project is finished.
- Project is expected to be finished by the end of this month.
Chip Sealing of City Streets Project
- Streets north of Patterson and east of 12th Street will be getting chip sealed.
- Message boards will be set up at each location to give advanced notice.
- Project is anticipated to last until early September.
Horizon Drive Improvements
- This ongoing project with Horizon Drive and Highway I-70 is anticpated to be complete in August.
- For more information, call 970-778-3598
Highway 50 Orchard Mesa Resurfacing Project
- Repairs and repaving is happening on Highway 50 between Pitkin Avenue and 29 Road, which is a five mile stretch of road.
- There will be lane shifts and closures going both directions.
- There are access points for business within the five mile stretch.
- Construction is expected to last until September.
- Call Victor Pennington for more information. 970-216-1319
Broadway Waterline Replacement Project (Highway 340).
- Expect lane shifts and reduced speed limits delays West Scenic Drive for a mile east.
- Project will last through August.