Grand Junction Gets New Stripes on Monday
The city of Grand Junction will be getting new stripes on Monday, and motorists are urged to use caution around the work areas.
Grand Junction's Transportation Division Crews will be out to paint new stripes on the city's main streets.
City of Grand Junction Communications Manager Sam Rainguet says plans are to start with Ute, Pitkin, Highway 340 (Broadway) and North Avenue. Crews will then move to Patterson. Crews will be out Monday through Thursday 7AM-3PM weather permitting.
Traffic will be slowed as machinery moves along in each work area. Single lane traffic can be expected as traffic is detoured around the workers. Motorists should absolutely take it slow through the work areas to keep crews safe and to keep vehicles from getting damaged.
The new striping should give Grand Junction main streets a spiffy new look for Spring - and for all the guests that will be coming into town soon from around the country for the Junior College World Series.