Construction Zones: Do I Have to Slow Down If Nobody’s Working?
Lots of people will be on the road this holiday weekend, and it's inevitable that motorists will be passing through multiple construction zones wondering if it is necessary to slow down if crews are not at work. Here's the answer.
How many times have you been driving down the road and you come upon a road construction zone, but there are no workers? Have you ever wondered if you need to slow down to the posted speed limit?
I have often wondered this, so I posed the question to Colorado State Patrol Trooper Dan Chermok who cleared things up quite nicely.
The work zone speed limit - as long as it is posted is still in effect, so abide by it. The Colorado revised statutes say if it's a weekday or a weekend, that speed limt with the double fines is enforceable four hours before their working hours and four hours after their working hours.
My own personal rule of thumb is to follow the flow of traffic. If there are no workers on site, and traffic is flowing at 10 or 15 miles per hour above the posted speed limit, I go with the flow. I figure there is safety in numbers. However, if I am the lone wolf and there are no other vehicles around, I slow it way down to reflect the posted limit. I do not want to be getting a foolish ticket.
It's unlikely that workers will be on site on a holiday, so you're probably going to be safe from a construction zone slow-down.
Speaking of slowing down, Trooper Chermok also wants to remind everyone about slowing down and moving over for stopped and emergency vehicles this holiday weekend.
If there are emergency vehicles or somebody is chaining up, or maintenance vehicles on the side of the road, Colorado law requires that you slow down markedly under the speed limit, and if there is another lane available, scoot over. That is a careless driving violation and it could be up to a four-point summons, or someone could definitely get hurt from that so we are out there looking for that.
It's a couple of good reminders for everyone who will be on the road over the next few days to help keep everybody safe and violation-free.