A group of goodhearted Grand Junction people saved the day for a couple of dogs running loose last Sunday. Western Colorado residents helped to get these pups to safety, and they did it fast.

These dogs were spotted running loose on Highway 50 in Orchard Mesa near the cemetery. That's a busy road and no place for dogs to be dodging traffic. Thanks to you, these dogs went from severe danger to safety in less than 45 minutes. Here's the rundown.

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Dogs Dodging Cars Along Highway 50 in Grand Junction

Shortly after 11:00 last Sunday morning, October 17, a number of motorists, including myself, spotted these dogs running south on Highway 50 towards the Orchard Mesa cemetery. A couple of us pulled over in hopes of getting the dogs out of the road.

As you can see in the photo above, both dogs appear a bit on the skinny side. Neither wore a collar or tags.

One Concerned Animal Lover Had a Certain 'Charm'

One woman who pulled over to help seemed to possess a gift for animals. The dogs were far more interested in dealing with her. Whereas I couldn't lure them into my car, she managed to at least get them to settle down and remain on the side of the road.

Regrettably, even her savoir fare bottomed out and the dogs took off down the side of the hill, ultimately making their way back to Highway 50.

Grand Junction's Lost Pets Social Media Page

It's at times like these one turns to the Facebook page "Lost and Found Pets of Mesa County and Western Colorado." The following post went up at 11:10 a.m. on Sunday:

Just spotted these dogs in Orchard Mesa just south of the 5th Street Bridge, near the OM cemetery. No collars or tags. Couldn't get them into my car. They are now (11:10 on Sunday, Oct 17) heading back towards the 5th Street Bridge.


By some miracle, the following response went up 18 minutes later at 11:28 a.m.:

Thank you! My friend Tricia Whitehouse Nelson has them in her car and is taking them to MCAS!

By 11:54 a.m. another post went up on the site indicating both dogs were safe and sound at Roice-Hurst Humane Society. They were both hungry and in need of water.

Dogs at Roice Hurst Humane Society Grand Junction Colorado
Tricia Whitehouse Nelson

Well done, Grand Junction. It's past time for a little good news. This has to be some kind of world record. The situation went from "in danger" to "found" to "safe in shelter" in a grand total of 44 minutes.

Until Sunday, recent events had soured me on social media. The awesome "Lost and Found Pets of Mesa County and Western Colorado" page has me rethinking that opinion. Thank you to the amazing animal lovers in Grand Junction.

10 Reasons NOT to Move to Grand Junction

I was born and raised in Grand Junction, but let me say, you'd be wise not to move here. These are my 10 reasons why you should avoid the place at all costs.

My family has lived in Grand Junction for generations. My grandparents were born here. While we love the valley, there are difficulties associated with living here. As a native, I've learned to deal with them. In your case, you have a choice as to whether or not you want to face these challenges.

These are my top 10 reasons why you should seriously consider not moving to Grand Junction.

20 Bucket List Items You Need to Do in Colorado in 2021

2020 has been a pretty garbage year for a lot of reasons as the COVID-19 pandemic has prohibited us Coloradans from doing a lot of things we love.

Concert season was basically canceled, and because of social distancing and other restrictions, a lot of activities we'd usually partake in have been put on hold.

However, if things return to normal in 2021, we'll undoubtedly be back to enjoying our great state. Here are 20 bucket list items you need to do in Colorado in 2021.

Exotic Animals You Can/Can't Own In Colorado

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