GJ’s Deborah Hughes: The Ultimate Pet Lover + Pet Sitter
Mix 104.3's Local Love is all about Grand Junction's Deborah Hughes, the ultimate pet lover and pet sitter. Here's how she started her pet sitting business and the craziest animals she's ever pet sat.
We are animal lovers and love people who love animals as much as we do. Deborah Hughes is our coworker's wife, Carl Hughes. Both Deborah and Carl are great people who are literally in a good mood and cracking jokes 24/7. We're not sure if their animals make them this happy or if they make their animals this happy or maybe both.

We wanted to know how they met and he told us that they met at a call center where they worked together years ago. When the call center closed she decided to take some time off and then started working for a dog park in Grand Junction. She thought to herself, I can do this on my own, and so she did.
Deborah started Always Loving Pet Care six years ago and she knew it was the perfect business for her because she loves animals. She says if she could, she would own a farm with a lot of animals. Deborah pet sits furbabies all across the Western Slope from Kannah Creek to Loma.
We wanted to know what the craziest animals she's ever watched are, so we asked her. Deborah says the craziest animals she's ever watched are a bearded dragon and a tarantula. She has also looked after dogs, cats, bunnies, goats, and birds. Deborah especially loves African grey parrots.
There are the animals that Deborah has/had at home:
- African grey parrot (Tiki)
- Green-cheeked conure
- Two dogs (Dee Dee + Mortdecai)
- A rabbit (Cuddles)
As far as animals that Deborah won't watch, she couldn't name one. She says that she hasn't said no so far and is down to pet sit all kinds of pets. Basically, when it comes to Deborah and Always Loving Pet Care, there are no animals or times that are off-limits when it comes to taking care of your pets.
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