Comedy Night Downtown Grand Junction Later This Month
I'm certain that you are just like me and wanting so badly to get back to socializing and having fun at different establishments across the Western Slope. This is why I am so happy to hear about even more events returning here in Western Colorado. As I just learned earlier today that the brand new tavern downtown Grand Junction called Two Rivers Tavern is now going to be hosting a comedy night.
It was just over a week ago that we found out about the new tavern and how it was already hosting a 'Beers and Board Game' night with the help of Board Fox Games. But to find out that now they are also adding a comedy night, it's clear that the owners of this tavern want it to stand out and give customers plenty of reasons to stay longer and enjoy one more beverage.
Details on Comedy Night in Downtown Grand Junction:
Two Rivers Tavern is hosting Comedy Night on Saturday, March 27th and the cover charge is only $5 per person. Expected to be on stage for comedy night this month will be Aunt Megan, Boom, Emilie, and Shelton. After speaking with one of the owners (who was extremely nice) I was told that Comedy Night will be the last Saturday of each month moving forward and jokes are set to begin around 8:00 p.m.

Reaction After the First Comedy Night at Two Rivers Tavern:
The first Comedy Night that took place in February was a big hit, everyone in attendance was laughing and having a great time. Most were very enthusiastic about just being able to socialize while enjoying an adult beverage. It might be a good idea to show up early to get a good spot.
One thing is certain the people of Grand Junction are excited to once again socialize even if there are still some guidelines that have to be followed.
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