Colorado Police Looking For Donated Cell Phones For Abuse Victims
As a part of Victim's Rights Week, police departments in and near Denver are asking people to donate old, unused cell phones to be used by victims of domestic abuse.
The reasoning is no matter if the cell has service or not it can still call 9-1-1 and can be secretly used by those victims.
The Parker, Castle Rock, and Lonetree police are currently collecting phones in the Denver area and part of the reasoning is old, unused cell phones are untraceable and cannot be used by abusers to determine location.
Non-working phones, phones with cracked screens or other issues that keep it from working are being accepted and will be parted out, making the funds available to help domestic violence issues.
Locally, Latimer House helps victims of domestic violence and has many programs available for those who have experienced domestic abuse. You can also contact the Montrose Family Resource Center if you need help in the Montrose/Delta area.