Colorado Drivers Struggle With School Bus Stop Signs
According to a national survey, Coloradans seem to ignore the stop sign that swings out from school buses making stops to pick up kids.
In one week, school bus drivers noted 575 drivers drive right past the bust after the stop sign has been swung out from the bus.
The study, done by the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services shows people are either too distracted to stop or simply do not know the law concerning school buses.
When a driver sees the red and amber lights flashing on a school bus they should 20 feet behind or in front of the bus when traveling in the opposite direction. Last year three children died in Indiana when a driver sped past the stop sign and flashing lights and killed three siblings.
Now Colorado is looking to add more information concerning school buses and the responsibilities we as drivers have around school buses, hoping those new drivers will remember and obey the law.
A child shouldn't die going to school and it's up to us to make sure they don't.