Chipeta Elementary School in Grand Junction Still Closed
Chipeta Elementary School in Grand Junction is still closed due to mercury exposure. Families will be notified when the elementary school will be able to reopen.
Chipeta Elementary School has been closed since Thursday, March 28. The school will continue to be closed until it's mercury-free. An investigation started on Wednesday, March 27 after receiving a tip on Tuesday.
According to D51's website, the school received a tip from a parent that a child Tuesday may have brought mercury to the school that day. An investigation began Wednesday and Chipeta Elementary School was closed the following day. (Thursday, March 28.)
District 51 is aware of the 18 students who were in contact with mercury. Along with the classrooms, the cafeteria, library and computer lab are all being tested.
Chipeta Elementary School will remain closed until all testing and mitigation can be completed, according to D51's website.