Avoid Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease In Colorado
More and more cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease are being reported nationwide, so let's take a look at it and find ways to keep it from impacting Colorado.
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a virus usually found in children. But as we found out recently, adults can contract it as well. A New York Mets pitcher contracted it after appearing at a children's baseball camp.
While the disease has not shown up in Colorado to the extent it has in states like Indiana and South Carolina, a few steps can help you avoid getting it.
What is Hand, foot and mouth disease?
It's a virus that causes small red spots and tiny water blisters to appear on the hands and feet, and also causes painful sores on the inside of the mouth as well as on the tongue. While HFMD is not considered dangerous or lethal, it is painful and uncomfortable.
How do you contract HFMD?
As a virus, Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by unwashed hands as well as contact with contaminated feces and others who have it. Avoid kissing or sharing eating utensils as well as touching sores.
Is there a way to avoid getting it?
Keeping your hands washed is the best way to avoid contracting it, and making sure children do as well. After changing diapers especially is a time for you to wash your hands. And when the children come indoors from playing, make washing their hands the first thing they do, every time.
If these rashes and blisters appear on your hands and feet, see a doctor immediately and avoid physical contact with others to avoid passing the virus along. There is no cure for it, but since it usually only lasts up to 10 days, using calamine lotion for the spots on the skin can give some relief.
If you're not sure, contact a health professional and see a doctor. Taking a few precautions like these can keep Colorado's name off of the list of states who are dealing with this now.
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