These Misspelled Words Annoy Grand Junction Colorado Residents the Most
I'll be careful to double-check my spelling and grammar on this one.
As we grow up, we're taught a lot of things in school, including how to communicate through reading and writing. Spelling and grammar are essential and in this day and age with the prevalence of social media, it really stands out when someone has a less-than-exceptional grasp of the English language.
All too often, we find ourselves scrolling through things like Facebook and Twitter, only to come to a grinding halt upon noticing a misspelled word, especially if it's one of those that we consider to be our personal pet peeves.

Curious, I posted a question on Facebook asking Grand Junction residents which misspelled word, or words, are the most annoying to encounter. As you can imagine, there were quite a few responses.
Misspelled Words that Annoy Grand Junction Residents the Most
Some classic examples of snafus that educators try to ingrain into students' heads to avoid are confusion between the "theres," the "toos," and the "yours."
For instance, a common mistake is using the word "there" instead of "they're" when speaking of possession. The same mistake can be found with using "you're" instead of "your," "too" instead of "to," and any combination of these.
Other examples include using phrases like, "I seen it" as opposed to "I saw it" or even just using "irregardless," which is not, in fact, a real word.
These are just some of the examples listed by Grand Junction residents as being especially annoying, keep scrolling to check out the full list of responses: