65 Motorcyclists Killed So Far This Year in Colorado
Taking to the road is a dangerous proposition for any motorist, but especially for motorcyclists.
Last year, 103 motorcycle riders lost their lives on Colorado roads, and so far in 2019, there have been 65 motorcycle deaths. Since 2012 there has been a 30% increase in motorcycle fatalities, and last year, motorcycle deaths accounted for 16% of Colorado traffic fatalities.
Motorcyclists are vulnerable. They can be difficult to spot and should there be an accident there's just not a lot of protection for the riders - even with a helmet. Those of us on four wheels must be diligent in our efforts to keep riders safe.
What can we do?
Check blind spots. Look twice. Use extra caution when turning left. Never follow motorcyclists too closely. Eliminate distractions when you are driving.
The Colorado State Patrol says there are motorcycle crashes on our roads every day that could be prevented.
It always makes me sad when I hear about a motorcyclist being killed. There's a husband, a father, a grandfather, an uncle, a friend who's life was cut short. A person just like you and me who was heading home for dinner, or maybe had weekend plans with the family - plans that are never going to materialize.
Recently, the state observed Colorado Motorcyclists Memorial Day to remember the 103 motorcyclists killed in 2018 and to draw attention to motorcycle safety and increase awareness of motorcycles on the road. More awareness means fewer accidents and fewer lives lost.
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