Well...here's some nightmare fuel for you!
Dolls are just plain creepy, especially old dolls. And this video of how dolls were made back in 1963 doesn't make them any less creepy. Yuck.
Next time you think about taking a long bathroom break at work, be happy you don't work at this place!
This picture was posted on a Reddit thread recently. Apparently, management at this company felt that employees were taking bathroom breaks that lasted too long and wanted to crack down with "smell checks" after long trips to the restroom...
At some point you've probably had a crazy landlord, but have you ever had one so crazy they'd smear feces on their face and blame it on you?
Source: Miami Herald
A mom of five kids admitted she's addicted to eating......baby powder. YUCK.
Lisa Anderson said she started eating baby powder in 2004 and you won't believe how much she says she eats a day and how much money she's spent on her...um...unusual cravings...