Aurora, Colorado Woman Charged $5,705.70 For A Cup Of CoffeeAurora, Colorado Woman Charged $5,705.70 For A Cup Of CoffeeShe was supposed to be charged $5.70.A.J.A.J.
Meet Sloan Mazur the Grand Junction BaristaMeet Sloan Mazur the Grand Junction BaristaHere's how Sloan's coffee obsession started and how he made his way to Grand Junction.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Grand Valley Coffee Replacement IdeasGrand Valley Coffee Replacement IdeasLife without coffee?Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Colorado’s Perfect Spot For A Million Dollar Coffee ShopColorado’s Perfect Spot For A Million Dollar Coffee ShopI think I just discovered the perfect spot for a coffee shop in Colorado and I'm pretty sure it would be a huge money-makerZane MathewsZane Mathews
Denver Residents Getting Their Coffee From a VW BeetleDenver Residents Getting Their Coffee From a VW BeetleDenver residents have found a new, interesting way to get their caffeine fix thanks to an artist with a wild idea. michaelmasonmichaelmason
Coffee Shop Closing in Grand JunctionCoffee Shop Closing in Grand JunctionWe got good and bad news -- but mostly good.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Days of Sadness, Death of a Thermal Coffee MugDays of Sadness, Death of a Thermal Coffee MugThey say that all good things must end, but I don't understand why that must be.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Where to Get A Delicious Cup of Coffee in Grand JunctionWhere to Get A Delicious Cup of Coffee in Grand JunctionHere's where you can get that delicious coffee fix.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
The Best Place to Get a Pumpkin Spice Latte in Grand JunctionThe Best Place to Get a Pumpkin Spice Latte in Grand JunctionNow that you voted, here is the best place to get a pumpkin spice latte in Grand Junction.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Who’s Got the Best Pumpkin Spice Latte in Grand Junction?Who’s Got the Best Pumpkin Spice Latte in Grand Junction?Who's got the best PSL? Because we need to know.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin