Satan Statue Sporting Giant Phallus + Devil Horn Salute Removed From Vancouver Junction [NSFW]
Who knew Dave Grohl's Satan getup from 'The Pick of Destiny' had such a long … uhhh … tail? We're unsure if 'Beelzeboss' was the inspiration for a Vancouver artist to place a giant nude Satan statue where one of Christopher Columbus once stood, but the resemblance is uncanny.
Anyway, a very NSFW statue of Satan flashing the Dio devil horns turned up mysteriously on Sept. 9. Satan's likeness was unveiled to the public near a train line, where thousands of people were treated to a free viewing of the statue, gargantuan phallus and all. If you've seen Satan's "appearance" in the film 'The Is the End,' you've got an idea how bulbous this statue's privates are.
Surprisingly, some residents didn't end up enjoying the piece of art, leading to complaints which eventually led to Satan being removed from his podium. However, locals were able to grab a picture with the devil while he was still around. "It's funny that someone put so much work into making such a ridiculous statue for everyone on the SkyTrain to go by and see," a resident told Global News.
The dismantling of the statue was also showcased by the news source, resulting in likely the most awkward removal that city workers had ever been a part of.
In an hilarious twist, a petition has been started to re-erect the very erect statue of Satan. As of this posting, the petition has garnered over 2,000 signatures.
Check out the full NSFW news report above!
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