If you've had a prior DUI, would having a breathalyzer handy prevent you from driving over the legal limit?

That's what Colorado DOT is trying to find out. Would having access to a device where you could monitor your blood-alcohol level really change peoples behavior? You think it would. It's an idea worth exploring. In Colorado, more than one-third of all traffic fatalities are alcohol-related.

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A couple of Colorado counties currently have programs in place where persons with a prior DUI can apply for a device. How does it work? Of course, there's an app for that. The BACtrack Mobile Pro connects to your smart phone and displays the results. It can also inform the user of the estimated time when your blood-alcohol level will return to zero. It can even hook you up with an Uber.

If you agree to the program you must agree to use it and complete the survey information. The program runs through the end of the summer. If you sign up, you get to keep the device. That's not a bad deal.

A fact too is that nearly 1/3 of DUI arrests are repeat offenders. Perhaps, this is another tool in reducing arrests and accidents.

Credit: Coloradoan 

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