Red wine isn't just good for your heart. Now, it may also help your memory, especially if you're overweight.

A pilot study published in the Journal of Neuroscience and reported by Fox News indicates the substance resveratrol, found in both red wine and dark chocolate, increased the short-term memory of overweight participants in the study.

Researchers are optimistic but cautious about the study. Neuroscientist, Veronica Witte had this to say,

From a clinical point of view, our findings suggest that regular, high-level intake of resveratrol in the elderly may convey protective effects on cognitive functions, a hypothesis that now needs to be evaluated in large-scale clinical trials,"

Other studies have indicated resveratrol may also have cancer-fighting and anti-aging properties.

In addition to red wine and dark chocolate, resveratrol can also be found in red grapes, blueberries, peanuts and Japanese knotweed.

Before you get carried away thinking red wine can cure just about anything, including memory problems, remember this, too much of a good thing isn't necessarily better.

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