Marshawn Lynch Opens Up While Playing ‘Mortal Kombat X’ With Rob Gronkowski on ‘Conan’
Everyone's been talking this past week about Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch and how he refuses to speak at press conferences, other than pre-chosen phrases he simply repeats until his official NFL media obligations are complete. "I'm just here so I won't get fined," "You know why I'm here," etc. So if that's all you knew about Beast Mode himself, this video might surprise you.
Maybe it just takes the right interviewer to get Lynch to speak his mind -- or perhaps the right subject matter. In this case: video games. Conan O'Brien invited Lynch and Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, two of the Super Bowl's most intriguing personalities, to a hotel conference room to sit down and play some 'Mortal Kombat X.' Lo and behold, Marshawn Lynch opens up like fortune cookie. We get some hilarious gems, like this exchange:
Conan: Marshawn, what about you -- what do you like to play?
Marshawn Lynch: 'Mario Kart.'
Conan: 'Mario Kart'? What's your favorite part?
Marshawn Lynch: Toad. And I like driving.
Then, in case it was unclear, Lynch shows Conan what he looks like when driving, which leads to a thoroughly invigorating -- and to Conan, utterly perplexing -- discussion of how Toad and Bowser (Gronk's choice) would face off on the 'Mario Kart' track. There's more too, even a few memorable reactions to various fatalities.
You see, sportswriters? If you want Marshawn Lynch to give you a good quote, you just have to curl up in the fetal position before him and suck your thumb. Simple.
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