I didn't know it when I moved in but living downtown comes with what locals calling "sewer roaches." I had never heard of such a thing before moving to Junction. Once I made mention of their presence I was told, "oh yeah, it's part of living downtown, they come up through the drains."

These guys aren't anything like the hissing cockroach pictured in the headline. That was to get your attention. The downtown invaders are really small. I found this guy in my bathroom today.

Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels

Just because they're little doesn't make them any less welcome. Fortunately, as soon as I mentioned it to the landlord, they had an exterminator over the next day. He said the same thing. "Comes with living downtown, everybody's got'em." I guess that's my first question, "Are they really in everyone's house and apartment in the neighborhood?" Second, "Are they permanent residents?"

I guess if they come up through the drain then there's really no getting rid of them. The good news is that since the exterminator came, the only guys I'm finding around are like the one in the picture, dead.

I don't want to sound like it's a big deal. It's not. It's a nuisance more than anything. It's just a new deal to me. I've not lived where sewer roaches "come with the territory."


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