Slipknot’s Wholesome Horseplay Is the Same as You With Your Friends
It's just about showtime for Slipknot. But lead singer Corey Taylor's having trouble securing his now-cropped-at-the-hair Slipknot mask to his face.
Slipknot guitarist Jim Root isn't helping, displaying a deadpan look as he repeatedly pokes a finger into the straps on Taylor's head, further preventing the vocalist from firmly fastening his face piece.
And here comes chameleonic Slipknot turntablist Sid Wilson, giving Taylor a few wholesome hugs before pretending as if he's going to lunge at him like a charging bull. Slipknot bassist V-Man politely stands off to the side. (Watch the video below.)
Such is the setting of a recent backstage scene for Slipknot, who are currently taking their music across the European continent. And their backstage horseplay is just the kind of antics you might get into when palling around with your friends — although you may not be waiting to play a show.
READ MORE: Slipknot Songs Ranked Worst to Best
Taylor shared the endearing backstage Slipknot clip on Instagram on Wednesday (June 21), adding only, "Thanks for the help, guys."
And is that a new mask for Wilson? He looks like some dark spaceman, a further aesthetic evolution from his animatronic duds from last year. (Drummer Jay Weinberg also recently updated his mask.)
We gather Slipknot's Shawn "clown" Crahan would also partake in the high jinks if he wasn't taking a respite from touring to be with his wife.
Alas, the show must go on, and Slipknot are doing just that. And having some fun while doing it.
New Slipknot Music
Earlier this month, Slipknot surprise-released the six-track Adderall EP. Essentially a maxi-single for the tune "Adderall" from their latest album, 2022's The End, So Far, it contains three versions of that song plus three instrumental tracks.
Underneath the backstage video, see Slipknot's upcoming tour dates. Get the Loudwire newsletter and Loudwire app for more.
Slipknot Goof Off Backstage - June 2023
Slipknot Summer 2023 Tour Dates
June 21 – Berlin, Germany @ Mercedes-Benz Arena ^
June 24 – Munich, Germany @ Königsplatz #
June 25 – Bologna, Italy @ Knotfest Italy
June 27 – Nimes, France @ Arena of Nimes ^
June 29 – Lisbon, Portugal @ Evil Live Festival
June 30 – Viveiro, Spain @ Resurrection Fest
July 14 – Cadott, Wis. @ Rock Fest
July 16 – Mansfield, Ohio @ Inkarceration
Sept. 8 – Alton, Va. @ Blue Ridge Rock Fest
^ With Sleep Token
# With Disturbed, I Prevail