Guys Love Video Games More Than Porn
When they're alone, guys are a very predictable species. You might think you know what they're most likely to do, but you'd more than likely be wrong. As it turns out, guys love video games more than porn and I can prove it.
The Venture Beat website reported that when the video game Fallout 4 came out last week, Pornhub's traffic dipped significantly. Here are the details.
Pornhub, one of the world’s most popular adult video sites, told GamesBeat that it saw a 10 percent drop in traffic among gamers after Fallout 4 came out earlier this week. On November 10, traffic started to drop at around 5 a.m. after most people finished downloading and installing the game. That decrease from normal patterns continued until around 3 p.m. Gamers then seemed to disappear again beginning at 6 p.m.
“We can’t say we’re too surprised with what happened to our traffic during peak gaming hours,” Pornhub vice president Corey Price told GamesBeat. “Based on the data, it looks like a huge surge of people decided to indulge in some wasteland wandering by taking the day off of work and school to play, while the rest of the world had to wade through what we assume were the longest hours of work ever in anticipation of some alone time with their consoles.”
Moral of this story - or lack thereof? If you want your man to abstain from gawking at women that aren't you, make sure he's readily equipped with either a Playstation 4, Xbox One or a great gaming PC.