Grand Junction Colorado Names Its Least Favorite Christmas Songs of All-Time
There are so many great Christmas songs to enjoy during the holiday season - but there are a few of those holiday hits that just make you want to hit the fast forward button on Christmas.
It's All Christmas All the Time
It's all Christmas music all the way through Christmas Day on KOOL 107.9 which means anytime you want to hear some of your favorite Christmas songs they are going to be playing on the radio and on the station app. Of course, that also means you're going to hear a few songs you aren't so fond of, and I don't know a single person who loves every Christmas song they hear. I certainly don't.
Different Strokes For Different Folks
It's funny, though, how one person absolutely loves a particular song, but another person just can't stand it and would rather walk barefoot on thumbtacks. Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You is one of those songs. I've heard from people who are crazy about it and also from people who just can't stand it. Fortunately, most of us have learned to listen to the radio to enjoy the songs we love, and ignore or tolerate the ones we don't.
Which Christmas Songs Are On Grand Junction's Naughty List?
Recently, I asked our listeners to tell us what they think is the worst Christmas song of all time. We got some great responses, and, as expected, some of my favorites - and probably some of yours are on the list.
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
Can you believe this song has been around since 1979? The song was written by Randy Brooks and recorded by the husband and wife duo Elmo & Patsy, who, ironically, divorced six years later. Like most Chrismas novelty songs, Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer has more than its fair share of haters, but it has become a Christmas classic on radio stations all across the country.
Santa's Got A Dirty Job
I had never heard the song Santa's Got A Dirty Job until Doug mentioned it, and I think it's kind of catchy. And if you are familiar with Mike Rowe and the TV show Dirty Jobs, you should definitely appreciate the song. I'm not sure we have to worry about this becoming a Christmas standard on the radio anytime soon, for this year, it's on Grand Junction's list of worst Christmas songs ever.
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
You had to know this would be on the list of worst Christmas songs, but does it really belong there? Apparently, Lori and Sara think it does and that's why it's here. I can't say that I love the song, but I certainly don't hate it. If you are a hippo-hater, maybe seeing the video of 10-year-old Gayla Peevey singing the song at age 10 in 1953 will change your mind about this song.
Oh, Christmas Tree/ Oh, Tannenbaum
I can't be certain this is the song Ronda is talking about, but it's the one we play on the radio. Of course, it's from "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Like the poor, decrepit Christmas tree in the story, it's not a bad little song, but I understand why it's on the list. A couple of minutes of listening to it while watching Snoopy and Charlie Brown is one thing, but to sit through the entire five minutes of it might be asking a bit much. For your own safety, I would advise against operating heavy machinery while listening to this song.
Blue Christmas
I hardly know what to say in response to Debbie, except that I'm pretty sure Santa is an Elvis fan. It's a huge surprise to find this Christmas classic on the list of bad Christmas songs. All I can say to Debbie's family is to make sure there are no ice picks lying around when she is listening to the radio.
I have one thing to say to Willa about this. Thank you. She is so right. While lovely and harmonious, Hallelujah is not a Christmas song and I have no idea whatsoever why it gets played at Christmas time. And, yes, she's also right about the fact that it's not even a religious song, and I am quite happy to put Hallelujah on Grand Junction's list of the worst Christmas songs.
Jingle Bells (Barbra Streisand)
I love the music of Barbra Streisand as much as anyone, but, yes, as Kate points out, her rendition of Jingle Bells definitely belongs on the naughty list. It's kind of hard to explain, but, once you'll hear it you'll probably understand why it's on the list. Fortunately, we haven't started playing it - yet.
The Chipmunk Song
The Chipmunk Song is another novelty song that makes the list of worst Christmas songs of all time. Here is the problem. Novelty songs should be played sparingly, and when they aren't, people tire of them pretty quickly. Although I am with the crowd that grew up with Chipmunk albums, I'm not a big fan of listening to Chipmunk music. However, I have to admit, the Chipmunk Song is one I enjoy every time I hear it. And, Justin's right. We want to hate it, but, yet, we go ahead and sing along.
Santa Baby
Santa Baby has been around since 1953 and was once banned because of its controversial lyrics. The song was recorded in 1954 by Eartha Kitt, who Orson Wells once called "the most exciting woman in the world." If ever a song belonged on the list of bad Christmas songs, this would be one, especially the Eartha Kitt version. Ironically, one listener said they prefer her version to the ones offered by the likes of Madonna and Taylor Swift. But, the bottom line is our listeners got it right on this one.
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Like other songs on the worst Christmas songs list, it seems this is one either you love it or you hate it. Sandee, Lawanda, and Paula all helped put Mariah at the top of the list of bad Christmas songs with All I Want For Christmas Is You. It's a head-scratcher for me because I really enjoy hearing the song. It is just so happy and festive and upbeat -- and so many of the Christmas songs aren't. Love it or hate it, you can plan on hearing this song plenty of times between now and Christmas. If you don't love it, maybe it will grow on you.
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