Do You Think This Colorado Sheriff Should Apologize for Viral Tweet?
A viral tweet sent by the El Paso County Sheriff's Department in Colorado has received quite a bit of negative attention, but is it necessary?
So what exactly happened?
The El Paso County Sherrif's Office posted a tweet of "Santa" sitting at a desk talking with a lady apparently applying for his concealed carry permit, and that sparked a lot of attention. After the post went viral and garnered a lot of negative feedback, the El Paso Sherrif's Office came back and apologized for the tweet that many deemed inappropriate and insensitive.
Why were people so upset?
It's no secret that we have a gun problem across America with gun violence making its way back into the national headlines after seemingly taking a "break" from these senseless acts of violence during the early stages of the pandemic. People's reaction was for the most part calling this insensitive because it was posted shortly after the horrific school shooting in Michigan. Although the Sheriff's Office replied with an apology, they did say that they were simply trying to be relatable to an important topic and what's more relatable in December than good ol' St. Nick himself?
Here's the tweet that has people upset:
Here's the apology and a reply from an upset reader:
Even national media like the Daily Show are weighing in on the tweet:
Do you think it was too much?
It's tough to tell people that they shouldn't feel the way they feel as Santa is kind of the epitome of innocence and sweetness in the world. Maybe that alone should mean that Santa shouldn't ever be used to promote firearms as mentioned by the tweet reply above? As you can see in the more than 2,000 replies, there is a lot of very different views and opinions on the subject. The ability to comment on the tweet has been disabled but the tweet has not been deleted as of this writing.