Grand Junction Kiwanis Club Searching For Citizen of the Year
Who is Grand Junction's "Citizen of the Year?"
In just a few weeks we will know who the person who has made a most outstanding contribution to Grand Junction in the past year.
The Kiwanis Club of Grand Junction is currently accepting nominations for this distinctive honor. Who amongst us had been an amazing community volunteer, particularly in the area of youth projects and the benefit of children?
The local club is looking for nominees who have not previously received recognition and have quietly volunteered their time, talent, and services in Mesa County.
Do you know someone like this? Is there someone you know who is deserving of this honor and recognition? If so, please submit your nomination on the Kiwanis website. There are plenty of deserving people in the community who are making a difference in the lives of young people, though they may be laboring quietly behind the scenes.
Last year's Citizen of the Year was Aaron Livingston, an associate director of Young Life in Mesa County. Who will be this year's Citizen of the Year? Get those nominations in and the winner will be announced in May.

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