Grand Junction Police Department Seeks Money for Illegal Grow Operations
The Grand Junction Police Department is asking for grant money for specialized detectives to fight illegal marijuana grows in Mesa County.
The money they're asking from would come from the Marijuana Impact Grant Program. If the grant is approved, they county would receive "just under $190,000 for three years to hire two detectives."
Grand Junction Cheif of Police, John Camper, told WesternSlopeNow.com, "There's individuals buying homes and nobody's living there. They're running grow operations out of these homes."
Camper also told WesternSlopeNow.com that the current detectives with the Western Colorado Joint Drug Task Force need to focus on meth, heroin, and other major drug offenses. The new detectives would focus strictly on marijuana.
WesternSlopeNow's Facebook post blew up with comments from residents stating it's the counties fault for not allowing legal grow shops in the city, and utilizing the tax dollars we would generate right here in Grand Junction.
What do you think? Should Grand Junction allow pot shops to open up in town to benefit from tax dollars? Or would that just open the door for more trouble?
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